WOC 2019, Pune – India.
Click here for the Schedule: Complete Conference Schedule

Theme: ‘Owls: In Science and Culture for Conservation’

Dates: 29, 30 November, 1, 2 December 2019

Country: India

Location: Pune city, Maharashtra state.

Venue: Savitribai Phule Pune University.

No parallel sessions. All oral papers will be presented in the main conference hall.

Plenary Speakers of WOC 2019, Pune, India:
  1. Dr. David Johnson (USA)
  2. Dr. James Duncan (Canada)
  3. Prof. Erkki Korpimakki (Finland)
  4. Prof. Alexander Roulin (Switzerland)
  5. Prof. Dr. Satish Pande (India)
  6. Ingrid Kohl (Austria)
  7. Jonathan Haw (South Africa)
  8. Prof. Reuven Yosef (Israel)
  9. Dr. Suruchi Pande (India)
  10. Raju Acharya (Nepal)
  11. Dr. Prachi Mehta (India)

Special Students Workshop: 3 experts shall interact with Indian and overseas students in a 3 hours session.

Photo exhibition: “Owls of India”. This will be open for all 4 days.

Cultural Program: Date to be announced, in the evening, followed by Gala Dinner.

Post Conference field trips: Will be announced.

‘2nd India Owl Festival’: 3rd-4th December 2019.

(1st India Owl Festival was celebrated on 29-30th November 2018).


Countdown to the Conference
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